Place your translation order or request a free price quote in five steps.

FAQ: How do we translate?

Linguarum Translation Agency is your certified partner for your translation projects. Our products comprise handcrafted translations in two quality levels as well as proofreading of texts. Our translations follow a simple process:

Linguarum Übersetzungsbüro München

Your quote includes the following services:

  • Professional dedicated translators chosen individually for your translation project and based on your subject area.

  • Translation by native-speaking linguists: Our linguists translate from a foreign language exclusively into their own native language.

  • Proofread and quality checks on the initial translation by a second, independent translator, depending on the quality level chosen.

  • Supervision by a project manager who will check quality for the duration of the project and is available to answer any questions you may have at any time.

  • Terminology database (or ‘translation memory’ – TM for short): We maintain a terminology database specially for you and your future projects to guarantee consistent translations.

Translations are often a question of taste, which is why we offer all clients a free sample translation. Send us an excerpt of approx. 150 words, and we will get back to you swiftly with a sample translation.

‘Imagine how proud you’d feel if you bought a new coffee maker, phone or car and you’d translated the instruction manual yourself. We live and love this job.’

Ali, translator into Turkish

Farklı bir dil, hayata farklı bir bakış açısıdır. Çeviri sadece kelimelerle ilgili değil, bütün bir kültürü anlaşılır kılmakla ilgilidir.

We’ve provided the answers to your frequently asked questions below. Can’t find an answer to your question?

Come to us with your translation project.

We recommend using our online price calculator for a no-obligation quote – you can find it by clicking ‘GET A QUOTE’ below. Simply upload your files and select the languages you need.

The Linguarum team provides quick, professional certifications of translations in 56 languages. The translations are carried out by native-speaking specialists who are state-certified, publicly appointed and general sworn.

When do I need a sworn translation or interpreting service?

Based on our experience, certification is necessary whenever you need to translate certificates or written documents for official reasons or for use in legal contexts and with authorities (e.g. in court, at the registry office). The official name varies depending on where you need to use your translation, including:

  • certified translators
  • general sworn translators
  • authorised translators
  • publicly appointed translators

Whatever they’re called, all of these linguists have taken a general oath before a court or government authority.

What kind of certification do I need?

Always check with the relevant authority whether you need a translation certified by a translator sworn in your country. The exact name of the certification stamp can vary by country and even between different parts of the same country, but it always certifies that the translation provided is complete and correct.

An apostille is an additional accreditation by a notary, who certifies that the translator is qualified to certify translations. This involves significant costs.

How does a certified translation process work?

  • You send the document to be translated by post, either the original or a notarised copy. Of course, you can also do this by fax or by scanning the document. In this case, though, we require your assurance (by post, fax or email) that you have the original document in your possession. Only then can the official document be translated and certified.
  • The translation is then certified by a translator who has been sworn or authorised by a court.
  • The translator’s certification confirms that the translation is correct and complete. This is done with an official stamp, a personal declaration and the translator’s signature. The most important thing is the original signature on the translator – only the original is legally valid.
  • This is why certified translations cannot be copied without losing their legal status. If you require multiple copies, you will need to order multiple original copies of the translation.
  • Before we send you the certified translation (original copy), you will receive it a scanned version.
  • Once you give us your approval, we will then post it to your address. We will staple and seal the stamped and signed translation to the scan you sent us.

Is it possible to translate and certify a scanned document (e.g. a certificate)?

Of course it’s also possible to certify a copy of a document. In this case, the footer will include the following note: ‘Certified translation of the attached copy…’. The original text (a scan) will be stapled to the translated text, signed, stamped, and sent by post.

Please confirm what you need for your individual case with the relevant authority.

What is an apostille or legalisation?

If you want to use your certificates outside Germany, they will often only be recognised if their authenticity has been verified via certification. The stamp of the issuing authority alone will not be recognised. Two international certifications are available: apostilles and legalisation.

Both forms confirm the authenticity of foreign certificates. A legalisation is provided by consular staff in the country where the certificate is going to be used, which involves higher costs.

Apostilles are provided by public authorities and are simplified versions of legalisations. However, they can only be recognised if both countries are signatories of the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.

How much does a certified translation cost?

Just like with translating standard documents, the price here is based on various factors, including language combination, urgency, and the size and specificity of the text to be translated. Special features of the layout may also be relevant for official documents in particular. This makes it very difficult to give a general idea of the price to expect, which is why we consult our specialist translators for projects involving certification before providing you with a quote.

Why is pre-release approval useful before sending certified translations?

Before you receive your certified translation by post, the translator will send the finished translation by email. This gives you the chance to check the translation, particularly with regard to names, dates and other important information. As soon as you give the translator your approval, they will print the translation and sign and stamp it, then send it by post. This is not obligatory, but it is a helpful step to avoid more work applying revisions later on.

Get in touch with us

Linguarum is more than just your translation provider. We are your partner on your path to a global presence. Let’s conquer your international markets together!Nehmen Sie noch heute Kontakt mit uns auf und beginnen Sie Ihre internationale Expansion mit Linguarum

  • Tel: Give us a call on +44 20 3139 9070 – our friendly team will be happy to help you from Monday to Friday between 07:00 and 16:00 (UK time).
  • Email: Send your enquiries to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Online: Use our intuitive online price calculator. Upload your files, choose the languages you need, and you’ll get an accurate quote in a matter of minutes.

Now’s the time to take the next step!

  • Get a quote: Request a tailored quote today. We’re ready to help you with top-quality translations and effective SEO.
  • Free sample translation: Try out our services with no obligation. Simply send us a short text, and we’ll send you a free sample translation.
  • Arrange an initial chat: Let’s have a no-obligation chat to find out how we can help you reach your global goals.

We can’t wait to accompany you on your path to international expansion and make sure your message is heard around the world.

Get in touch with us today and take the first step towards your global market presence!

Our team can generally open all conventional file formats, but some formats are more practical for carrying out the translation in the original format.

What are (non-)editable files?

Files that can easily be edited make it possible to translate without the need to convert files first. This makes it possible to conserve the original layout as much as possible, and the translator can work directly with the source document using translation software that assists with the process. It will also be possible to create and use terminology databases for your projects. All this saves lots of time and money working with your original formats.

Editable documents include Microsoft Office software and Adobe InDesign files.

  • Word documents (docx)
  • InDesign Markup (idml)
  • Text files (txt)
  • Excel files (xls)
  • HTML files (html, xliff)

Non-editable files, on the other hand, need to be converted into other file types before the actual translation can take place. This can affect the formatting, meaning it will have to be replaced afterwards. These files are also difficult or even impossible to analyse using translation software, meaning it isn’t possible to calculate the price based on the exact word count.

These files include:

  • non-editable PDFs
  • photos (jpeg, png)
  • poor-quality scans
  • illustrations, for example in instruction manuals
  • text inserted as images

A PDF file is often enough to create a quote. If you place your order, however, we would kindly ask you to send the file in the original document if possible. This involves less preparation and post-processing work, meaning our team can work more efficiently, and ultimately saving you costs and ensuring a better result!

Contact us

Linguarum is more than just your translation provider. We are your partner on your path to a global presence. Let’s conquer your international markets together!

Nehmen Sie noch heute Kontakt mit uns auf und beginnen Sie Ihre internationale Expansion mit Linguarum

  • Tel: Give us a call on +44 20 3139 9070 – our friendly team will be happy to help you from Monday to Friday between 07:00 and 16:00 (UK time).
  • Email: Send your enquiries to [email protected], and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Online: Use our intuitive online price calculator. Upload your files, choose the languages you need, and you’ll get an accurate quote in a matter of minutes.

Now’s the time to take the next step!

  • Get a quote: Request a tailored quote today. We’re ready to help you with top-quality translations and effective SEO.
  • Free sample translation: Try out our services with no obligation. Simply send us a short text, and we’ll send you a free sample translation.
  • Arrange an initial chat: Let’s have a no-obligation chat to find out how we can help you reach your global goals.

We can’t wait to accompany you on your path to international expansion and make sure your message is heard around the world.

Get in touch with us today and take the first step towards your global market presence!

Translations in accordance with our Six-Eyes Principle

This approach guarantees high-quality translations. Your project includes proofreading and is translated in three steps to check the quality. The initial translation is revised by a second, independent translator. After they receive the revised version, the initial translator will create a clean, consistent final version. In parallel to this, the project manager will carry out quality-assurance checks throughout the entire process.

You can choose between two quality levels in our online price calculator. If you choose Premium instead of Business, the price will increase by around 30%:

Business level:

Our linguists translate from a foreign language (or source language) exclusively into their native language, which will be the target language you chose. One of our project managers will take care of quality assurance throughout the translation process.

Premium level (recommended):
Translated in accordance with the Six-Eyes Principle

Your project includes proofreading and is translated in three steps to guarantee quality. The initial translation is corrected by a second, independent translator. After they receive the revised version, the initial translator will create a clean, consistent final version. In parallel to this, the project manager will carry out quality-assurance checks throughout the entire process.

Translators, proofreaders and project managers can work on projects together efficiently with no need for intermediaries using Linguarum’s translation management system.

Finally, we will wait for the client to approve the translation. If the client is 100% satisfied, we will close the project.

Linguarum’s satisfaction guarantee is valid for a year after delivery.

We will be happy to advise you on your translation project. You can contact us by phone on +44 20 3139 9070 from Monday to Friday between 07:00 and 16:00 (UK time) or by email at [email protected].

We can’t wait to hear from you!

In order for us to send you a translation quote that is tailored as closely as possible to your needs, simply send us your file by email, and we’ll be happy to calculate how long the translation will take and how much it will cost. Alternatively, you can use our online price calculator to create your quote yourself. Simply drag, drop and upload your file, choose your language combination and subject area, and in a matter of minutes you’ll receive an email with a cost estimate for your translation.

Nowadays, you’ll find all sorts of portals and platforms on the Internet offering you affordable translations. However, producing an accurate, subject-specific translation is a complex task that requires wide-ranging professional, linguistic and cultural expertise. Depending on the subject area, each translation comes with its own very individual challenges. We can help you with personal advice and professional service for a fair price. We will be happy to consider your specific needs and create a personalised quote for you today.

What factors can affect the cost of a translation?

Naturally, the cost of your project depends principally on the volume of text to be translated, while the language combination you require is also an important factor. Popular combinations like English/German and translations into languages that are spoken in countries with a relatively low cost of living are generally more affordable. Costlier combinations include Scandinavian languages and particularly rare languages.

However, the text’s specificity and the level of difficulty involved in the subject area and speciality terminology also affect the cost as they may require more extensive research.

For very large projects, we will be happy to offer you a discount on repeated words. If you place more orders with us in future, these terms can also be added to your own personal terminology database (or ‘translation memory’). This will make the translation process more effective and more affordable in the long run.

Linguarum’s team generally calculate the cost of your project based on the word count of the text to be translated.

You can choose between three quality levels.

MTPE (machine translation plus post-editing)

A machine translation, checked and corrected by a qualified MTPE specialist. With the help of a native-speaking linguist, it is possible to produce a high-quality, accurate translation more quickly and affordably. MTPE costs 35% less than a Business translation and is recommended if your priorities are speed and cost.

When do we recommend MTPE?

For company-internal documents, simple texts and shorthand info.

NOT: for translations of websites or marketing and specialised texts

Business level

At the Business level, a specialist translator translates a text from a foreign language into their native language, which is the target language. A project manager is responsible for quality assurance and will also check the translation before you receive it. We don’t cut corners on quality: We don’t use AI or any other software, just native-speaking linguists and certified translators to guarantee top-quality results.

When do we recommend the Business level?

It’s important to note that Business translations are strongly recommended for internal materials like correspondence, training materials, and scripts, and not for texts that are to be published.

Premium level:

Specialist translations following our Six-Eyes Principle.

Your project includes proofreading and will be translated in three steps to guarantee the quality you require. The initial translation is corrected by a second, independent translator. The corrected text is then sent back to the initial translator, who will produce a clean, consistent final version.

For urgent translation projects, our team will also be happy to arrange express delivery and take care of graphic post-processing or search-engine optimisation. We will be happy to tell you more about additional costs for these services!

When do we recommend the Premium level?

As you can imagine, this is a upper price segment and costs around 40% more than a Business translation. We strongly recommend the Premium level for texts that are to be published, like websites, exhibition catalogues, and contracts.

How do I convert a standard page of text into lines, words or characters?

A standard page corresponds to around 30 standard lines or 250 words.

A standard line comprises around seven words or 50–55 characters (including spaces).

We generally calculate the cost for your tailored quote based on the number of words in the text to be translated.

What does it cost to translate one word on average?

Estimated delivery times and net prices (Business level):

Number of words Delivery time
Less than 250 words The same working day
Less than 2,000 words The following working day
2,000 to 6,000 words 2–3 working days
6,000 to 20,000 words 4–7 working days
20,000 to 50,000 words 1–3 weeks
More than 50,000 words Upon consultation
Language combination Price per word
English > German €0.097
English > French €0.098
English > Spanish €0.098
English > Chinese €0.126
English > Polish €0.097
English > Swedish €0.127













Above you can see the average delivery times and prices for the most popular languages in our Business level. For a detailed quote including an accurate delivery time and price, please send us your translation project or use our online price calculator, which you can find by clicking ‘GET A QUOTE’ below.

What does graphic post-processing cost?

Our specialists will be happy to help you with graphic post-processing for your translated files using suitable tools and software. The cost depends on each project’s individual requirements. You can request either a flat rate or we will be happy to charge €35.00 (net) per hour for graphic post-processing.

Would you like a detailed cost estimate?

We will be happy to provide you with in-depth advice on your translation project. You can contact us between 07:00 and 16:00 (UK time) by phone on +44 20 3139 9070 or by email at [email protected] at any time.

We look forward to hearing from you!

For us to send you a translation quote tailored as closely as possible to your requirements, simply send us your file by email, and we will be happy to let you know how much time the translation will take and how much it will cost. Alternatively, you can use our online price calculator to get your quote yourself. Simply drag, drop and upload your file, choose your language combination and subject area, and in a matter of minutes you’ll receive an email with a cost estimate for your translation.

Translation memories

Linguarum’s translation memories are created specially for your company. They grow with each project you have translated and automatically supply specialist translators with company-specific suggestions. This increases efficiency and consistency in your projects, saving you time and money while increasing the quality of your translations.

Our translation memory system recognises repetitions that have already been translated, providing reference material to assist with the translation process. Translators are automatically provided with the previous translations available, allowing them to incorporate them directly into the project at hand or adapt them as required. This is an advantage that grows with every new project you have Linguarum translate. Using a translation memory system is not the same as machine translation, though – it doesn’t translate projects itself or take grammatical peculiarities into consideration. Your translation will still be done 100% by hand.

Particularly with documents that have already been translated similarly many times, not only will you benefit from lower costs and quicker processing, but also consistent terminology and uniform style, guaranteeing the same high quality for all of your projects.

Data from existing translation memory solutions – whether Trados, Across, memoQ or Wordfast – can be seamlessly integrated, as can previous translations carried out without a translation memory: Your company’s lexicon will form the bedrock of all future translations.

To put it simply: Consistent translation, quicker processing time, lower costs.


Consistent language is the bedrock of global success. Linguarum Translation Agency will optimise your communication around the world with a company-specific glossary.

A glossary is a collection of terms and their corresponding translations that you regularly use within your company, department or specialist field. This makes sure that your corporate language is translated consistently in the long term.

We will be happy to create a glossary for your company. We will work with you to nail down your subject- and company-specific terminology, collecting all specialised terms and consistent spellings in whatever languages you use. We will also be happy to expand, maintain and manage existing glossaries for you.

Glossaries can be produced and used for your company as a whole or for individual departments or projects. If you like, we can also highlight terms that are marketing-, IT- or legal-specific within the glossary itself. Ideally, your glossary will also be built directly into a CAT (computer-aided translation) tool. This software assists with the translation process, making translators’ work easy by automatically providing them with the correct glossary term.

To put it simply: The A to Z of your company in every language.

How you can get in touch with us.

Linguarum is more than just your translation provider. We are your partner on your path to a global presence. Let’s conquer your international markets together!

  • Tel: Give us a call on +44 20 3139 9070 – our friendly team will be happy to help you from Monday to Friday between 07:00 and 16:00 (UK time).
  • Email:  Send your enquiries to [email protected] and we get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Online: Use our intuitive online price calculator. Upload your files, choose the languages you need, and you’ll get an accurate quote in a matter of minutes.

Nehmen Sie noch heute Kontakt mit uns auf und beginnen Sie Ihre internationale Expansion mit Linguarum

Now’s the perfect time to take your next step!

    • Get a quote: Request a tailored quote today. We’re ready to help you with top-quality translations and effective SEO.
    • Free sample translation: Try out our services with no obligation. Simply send us a short text, and we’ll send you a free sample translation.
    • Arrange an initial chat: Let’s have a no-obligation chat to find out how we can help you reach your global goals.

    We can’t wait to accompany you on your path to international expansion and make sure your message is heard around the world.

    Get in touch with us today and take the first step towards your global market presence!



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